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Possible bug: School boards increase old_middle instead of old_middle_spd, in the code at least, have not actually tested this.

(2 edits) (+2)

Bug report: Cannot get any economic cards despite picking the economic ministry, and the game tells me that I do not have the necessary ministries when I try to get it through an advisor

If you are saying that about card that used to form worker council then you need economy+labour ministery 

Oh, is that how you get it? Strange, I strictly remember only needing economy before.. But guess I was wrong


The lack of hand size (3 for medium) , the random cards along with one action every month makes the game difficult surviving as the SPD. I believe in making the shuffle leadership card as an advisor play allowing the player more flexibility while also making thematic sense in what you playing as 


Another thing that would help in giving more flexibility and balance would be the ability to permanently remove a card from the deck thus preventing card clog. this can be balanced by one limiting the amount of cards that can be removed and/ or by costing one party resources . There is also needs to be 


Just play the game on easy silly

Deleted 3 days ago
(2 edits) (+1)

I saw the feature on easy. It is not really needed on easy with four cards slot  but is much needed on normal which is the in between difficulty of easy and hard. It is understandably for it to be not there in hard and historical difficulty. The shuffle advisor card as an advisor feature needed on medium in term of balance 


How can you get Einstein as president 

(1 edit) (+1)

1. Reduce power of president

2. Fund basic science couple of times

(1 edit) (+1)

Does that function just before or after the civil war too


? Without Civil war

(1 edit) (+2)


on Redux Sandbox mod, no cheats except disable end


+100% unemployment????


I wish that we could continue as the SED in Redux


i can’t beat the game😔

I've never seen the "Understanding the Enemy event", how does it pop up?



The KPD wont form a government by themselves, they need the SPD for some god damn reason


How you download mod i can't able to find it. Can you plz tell me how I get this i play in android.


go to options, go to mods, copy link of your desired mod and paste into the browser or the slot given in the mods panel

The Bavarians don't know what's best for them.


no offense to the spd but i think they've got some room for improvement here


How do you run this from a download?


Just curious: How do you get Hitler deported? 

(1 edit) (+3)

You must get the intirior ministry i forgot how to write it then increase the loyalty then investigate among the far right then you can deport hitler but they will resist


You also need to reform judiciary. Loyal purrsian police and atleast low millitiancy of rechibanner.


can you make reichsbanner militancy high? I managed to make it medium once


Yes I managed them to high by using advisor.


how to make Willi Münzenberg president?

(1 edit)

I’m very late. But you need to get the Conciliators in charge of the KPD. How to do this:

Embed a spy in the Comintern by July 1928

Use Paul Levi’s “Cooperation with the KPD” action by July 1928

Then, the Wittorf Affair will trigger in August 1928. Pick the third option to keep the information secret.

Make sure you took the Foreign Ministry in the May 1928 election. Once you draw that card, pick the Soviet option. Give them aid without conditions (not the Reichswehr one) then pick the option that says something about “Do the Soviets know about the Wittorf Affair? Do they know that we know?” Once you do that, the Soviets won’t defend Thalmann.  

Sometime in the summer of 1929 (I believe August, but it might be July) the KPD Conference will trigger. As long as the Left faction is stronger than the Reformist faction within the SPD (you can do this through which rally option you pick, or party organizations, or questions of ideology, or advisors), there will be an option for the Conciliators to replace Thalmann. Pick that option.

In 1932, make sure Hindenburg gets reelected (just endorse him, ensure the Nazis haven’t surged. I like to do this via WTB.)

 Then in 1934, when Hindenburg dies, the KPD will contemplate running Munzenberg. If you have adequate relations with the KPD (I believe they need to be warm or higher), and the Left faction is still stronger than the Reformist faction, you can endorse Munzenberg. Make sure SPD + KPD support is 45%-50%, because all the other candidates (except maybe Gessler?) will start consolidating around someone to stop Munzenberg. 

Hope this helps!




Bavarian nationalism cannot be contained they always have 3%

The Bavarians don't know what's best for them.


How you get this?


I just used the Sandbox mode, raised SPD support enough that all other parties get less than 5% popularity and passed a constitutional reform.


how to use the sandbox mode?(I am playing on iPhone)


check it on the mods section


I play on Android did this work?

(1 edit) (+1)

The devs should make budget grow faster because after I adopt the WPT I remain in budget debt for the rest of the run. I even think that the advisors time should be reduced to 4 months because I just use it to have resources and I can’t do nothing else. 

PS amazing game


To be honest, this game is well done, but can the author make a Chinese version?老实说,这款游戏做得不错,但作者能出个中文版吗?

As a Chinese, I can't understand it a little作为一个中国人,我一点儿也不明白。




I announce a new pro-worker economic policy -> bourgeois panic about the economy -> the policy is implemented -> economy reaches record improvements -> I announce a new pro-worker economic policy -> repeat

9.5/10 game too realistic

(3 edits) (+1)

How do i get the event for understanding the enemy (NDSAP) somehow? Cuz it seems possible looking at the update log.


The party political relationship tab makes it seem like it is theoretically possible to have the NSDAP not be hostile to you. Is it? It would be funny to have a game over as you enter in coalition with Hitler. 


KPD coup instantly as the Social Fascists show their true colors

(1 edit) (+3)(-4)

KPD is the red fascist Stalinist party representing a failed, totalitarian communist ideology 


it’s set to never change from hostile, same for the DNVP.  


You should make a Soviet version of this just saying 😌


In the new devlog:  

"The next Social Democracy game will be Social Democracy: Petrograd 1917, and will revolve around the various left-wing parties between the February and October Revolutions."


I think they mean you play as the KPD


More likely the Russian mensheviks :/


My personal fav game on this entire site


Woow. Really nice simulator. I am "hopefully" learning a lot of historical stuff. Crazy difficult dou, took me like 5 games to even form the peoples party and then a few more to win a peacefull victory. Crazy. And well done ˘w˘

(1 edit) (+2)

Idk if i just have a skill issue but the game needs a baby mode its too hard for me ;-;

edit: I beat the game now


It's always hard on the first playthrough but if you practice a few times you can win on normal mode pretty consistently


I love this game. It would be nice to see content after death of Hinderburg🙂


There is a mod which does so, here:


autumn should create more games like this but with different ideologies


I hope she makes a Nazi or Moscow version, hahahahehe.


Proud to say that I've been here since the 6th day of this game


I kinda wish the game didn't end so soon, I managed to stay in power, but just barely, it would be interesting to see if I would be able to tackle the Great Depression without loosing support or if Hitler would get elected afterall, alebeit a bit later than he did in reality.


Maybe an infinite mode with no content but a frame will be good.


Does anyone know how to create the Popular Front? I have not been able to get that ever


seems very difficult yeah


what’s the KPD candidate apart from T and M?


Bug: You can change the constitution even if you rejected neorevisionism.


long time i havent play this game and nice to see SO MUCH changes here. i think one thing is still missing is the foreign policy indicator, as in an indicator of friendliness towards usa, western europe, eastern europe, and the ussr, with foreign policy becoming a more central element to the game i think this indicator is needed




好像有人试过 不可以


I tried. I can. Please download the Android version and modify its file.




Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on when you are reading this.

I'm writing this comment because I'd like to know the reasoning behind the Center party running Konrad Adenauer as its presidential candidate instead of Ludwig Kaas or Joseph Wirth or Joos (depending on who's the leader of the Center party).


It’s mostly just an allusion to Adenauer’s irl post-war career.

Understandable; I had thought that Adenauer was a compromise candidate between the factions in the Center Party since none wanted the other to have the leader of the other faction to be the presidential candidate and ended agreeing to run another candidate.


"Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit" doesn't pop even with reparations paused via foreign ministry, all women's rights including abortion, Braun President in 1932, deported Hitler, and unemployment below 10% (basically the old conditions). Possible glitch?


This should be fixed now…


Bug: When improving relations with Otto Braun the DDP is still named as DDP even after the name change.


Should be fixed now


Wow, I’m just getting back into this game after stepping away for awhile and there’s so many new paths to explore! Thank you for keeping up the good work! 


Exploit: You can now intentionally get the march on Berlin event several times thus weakening the nazis too much and strengthening the trust in the republic in an unrealistic way, if you win each time. I suggest that the benefits for winning should be smaller if you do it a second time. 


New Suggestions:

1. If at the time of Hindenburg's death Otto Braun is president, but we have an event where he asks the party to resign due to personal circumstances. We can refuse (then everything is as usual), or agree - and then there will be an event for the presidential elections of 1934

2. Make it harder to persuade the Center Party and the National Liberals to support the candidacy of a socialist in the presidential elections of 1932. If in 1934 this was still theoretically imaginable within the framework of the "anti-Nazi front", then with Hindenburg alive this was extremely unlikely in real history. Otherwise, I propose that in the elections of 1932 and 1934 there will be a fine if we forced the Center Party and/or the liberals to vote for our Social Democratic candidate. For example, that a third of their voters will not vote for us. Otherwise, the mechanism of incomplete conversion of party votes only when we support the candidate of the Communist Party.

3. I propose to make a similar vote loss, when we support some candidate who is not ours in elections. I supported Adenauer's candidacy - then the left wing (some 2-3 percent maybe) must vote for Telmann, and not for Adenauer.  In the 1924 presidential elections, Gustav Noske supported Hindenburg in the second round, although the SPD supported Wilhelm Marx. So this is historically accurate.

4.  Not to combine all the votes of "other" parties to the DNVP in the 1934 elections. This is not entirely correct - it is worth giving them at least half and/or two thirds, but the rest - to the candidacy of the liberals or Adenauer. Still, all these microscopic parties were very different. I don't think that they would all become part of a united far-right bloc.

5. If the march on Berlin takes place under President Otto Braun, then one option could be to hold early presidential elections and/or his resignation with Hindenburg returning as acting president in the name of "national unity." For example, that with the reformed courts they took a neutral position, began negotiations - and the Nazis, in order not to look like the instigators of the Civil War, are ready under pressure to make a temporary compromise in the form of Otto Braun's resignation and snap elections to the Reichstag. Besides, if the SA and the DNVP paramilitary were banned, they will be legalized as part of this compromise


In my run I deported Hitler and made Hindenburg win in '32, in the presidential elections of '34 I nominated Braun while the Nazis nominated Goering, however Goering was not visible in the results, then I convinced the Zentrum to vote for Braun and in the second round Goering appeared.


This should be fixed now


bug report:the 1934 presidential election is always won by Goring despite my candidate taking the lead 


This should be fixed now

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