Bug report: Forming a grand coalition, falling to a vote of no confidence and then forming a popular front with the KPD immediately causes another vote of no confidence after you select your ministers. I form another popular front and it immediately falls again to "The DVP The Center have called a vote of no confidence".
Thanks for making a downloadable version! Now that there's a zipped version, is there a way to copy our saves from the online version to back them up and use them in the zipped version?
I'm scared to shut down my computer/browser because I don't want to lose the save for the game I'm playing cooperatively with my friends
Oh never mind. I found the saves are stored in localstorage as strings and can be copy/pasted to import export. See imgur screenshot attached if anyone else wants to do this. You just need to copy the contents of "value" to a blank text file to back them up. To restore you just copy them backed up value over a new save.
Save backup/restore would still be a cool feature if you can add it though! Love this game thanks for all your work on it. :)
Feedback: The vote of no-confidence should be two years or at the very least one and half years since it's very hard to enact all the changes in such as short time frame due to the RNG mechanics
I found a bug! If you pick the third option under the homosexual affairs card, the one about trans people, you can then pick it again the next time you draw the card. I took a look inside Github to see what might have caused this, and I think that it's the fact that that particular option is locked with the “sex_change” flag, while selecting the option increments the “trans_rights” flag. I suppose that this might have been intentional to ensure that there's always an option to pick on that card, but if not you may wish to take a look at it.
Additional bug: If KPD blows up the coalition you still get to take all the ministerial positions if you get into the weimar coalition, did not test the grand coaltion.
In a game where I had done all of these before the coalition was started , none after, all of them I did one time only:
- Expand social welfare programs - failed
- Enact a land reform program. - success
- Start substantial nationalization of the economy. - failed
- Make taxes more progressive. - failed
- Support workers in labor disputes. - failed
- Reduce funding for the Reichswehr. - failed
In a game where I had done all of these after the coalition was started , none before, all of them I did one time only:
- Expand social welfare programs - success
- Enact a land reform program. - success
- Start substantial nationalization of the economy. - success
Additionally, if you succeed on every point and then get a KPD vote of no confidence the game thinks you failed their demands. And you can still shuffle ministers despite being in a government where all the ministers belong to the SPD (left front) and when you do shuffle the ministers you cannot see the agriculture minister.
The KPD goals are behaving as expected, except for the land reform program being marked as a success in the first run (which was due to a typo). The KPD goals reset after each election. Maybe there will be some institutional memory in the future but that’s beyond the scope for now.
From my reading of the code the kpd_coalition_dissent can go up even if you're not in a coalition with them. Also if you are in a popular front or left front coalition and then have an election, geting in to a coalition with KPD should not risk a civil war anymore, since it's already been done.
From my reading of the code you will still be able to get negative unemployment.
From my reading of the code you will still be able to get negative support in the military if you block the building of the ship.
Normal bugs:
If you hold an election before Müller dies you can choose Breitschid as Chanselor.
Sometimes you cannot adopt an economic policy when you should be able to. I have no clue why, I saved on the crisis screen with WTB support being 2 and saved. Modified it several times and tried over and over again and it just did not accept it. Not when I had 4 not 3 not 2. Then I loaded to an earlier save made no memorably different actions and it accepted the plan.
Also, I think it's odd that you can choose worse coalitions. Like if you have Weimar coalition available you shouldn't be able to take the grand coalition, and if you can be in the left front you shouldn't be able to take the popular front coalition. And if you get a majority by yourself you should have to govern by yourself. You should always be able to back out of coalition talks (you can't if you choose Weimar) and as long as you have less then 50% you should ba able to refuse to go into any coalition.
maybe because by the point you’ve nationalized a bunch of the industries you can essentially enact a works plan via government money anyway? Just an idea.
I love this game! I would love to see an extended timeline, more playable scenarios, or even other parties’ perspectives! A lot to ask but those are the ideas that i think would fit this format and engine beautifully.
As a non-expert on Weimar politics, I think part of the reason the SPD was chosen is that they are large enough to be pretty influential and relevant to things while also being diverse enough to feasibly take differing courses. I think many other parties are so defined by their political stances that it would be less of a historical simulator and more of a what if:
"What if the Communists weren't communist*
"What if the Nazis weren't Nazis"
*What if the Catholic party stops advocating for Catholic concerns"
Yes, I think the liberal parties (DDP and DVP) would have the most potential, in that area. Perhaps there could be some mechanic for the formation of a broad liberal party.
No the SPD was easily the most impactful party in this time period (bar the NSDAP) and i definitely love the diverse confusion between the different factions and strains of non Communist socialism that were present in the 1920-30s, but seeing the KPD, or even Z’s perspective would be cool
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but I had Hindenburg as President + Braun as chancellor in January '33 with a Grand Coalition; the DVP called a vote of no confidence and I didn't have the resources to assuage them; and the camarilla installed Hitler as chancellor. This was my first playthrough with the camarilla overthrowing an SPD chancellor to get Hitler; normally if there isn't a Prussian coup in '32 and SPD is in power, I've been safe.
Either way, I can't begin to say how much I love this game!
It's possible to get 0% unemployment! I actually had -2% for a while (less than a month) until the capital strike struck.
I would suggest that you change the code so that if the unemployment gets bellow 0.1 it's set to 0.09 to avoid this (not via event as you could get more unemployment in another event and then click the set unemployment to 0.09% event), and to ad a line at the end in case you have less than 0.1 unemployment, maybe something like "Unemployment has sunken to a level where they are insignificant! This is a success of our economic policy."
The game can clearly still be beaten, I could have done better electorally if I had not insisted on passing all three land reforms, taking the State Buyer decision and passing every social reform as I had to defund the unemployed and such...
To do this you have to pass WTB-plan twice, (the second one HAS to be after 1930 has begun) and expand the councils three times before you pass three(!) nationalizations and then get the capital strike and empower workers to seize the factories without raising taxes ones. (Done on easy)
Bug (if I understand the code, which I may not): In economic_policy you have written "unemployed -= 3; unemployed -= 1.2 if works_councils >= 3; workers += 2.5;" But you should have written "unemployed -= 3; unemployed -= 1.2 if works_councils >= 3; workers += 3; workers += 1.2 if works_councils >= 3"
And in agricultural_policy (land reform) you have written unemployment -= 1; What is that?
I think the capitalist strike gives the NSDAP too much support especially if it turns back to irrelevancy (getting below the 10% cap and/or Hitler getting deported). It should be the center-bourgeoisie parties that should gain the most out of it if the Nazi support doesn't break through 10%.
The new version of the game is somehow very difficult, even in easy mode, and mass reforms like reforming homosexuality and women's rights become almost impossible due to the difficulty of reaching the 50% majority. I wonder if there will be a rebalance soon? Also, there are no real benefits of choosing the nationalization path over the WTB since not only does it cost much more, but it is also highly unpopular.
I think it might be too difficult at the start, but when (if) you implement the WTB-plan (and nationalisations) you can get pretty big anyway. Though I do think that the first election might be to difficult actually, maybe the start date should be earlier?
The Syndikalismus achievement currently requires two separate factory takeovers. The Räterepublik achievement requires both multiple nationalizations and several advancements in works councils.
Bug: This happens if you have a vote of no confidence in you on the same turn as the May Day Parade and you allow the communists to march before addressing the vote of no confidence. After the march, I addressed the vote of no confidence, but immediately get hit with another vote of no confidence in the same turn
It's possible to understand the story beyond 1933, for example, extending it until the end of 1945 or even into the 1950s. This would be truly wonderful for the game.
love the game. just wanted to mention, that the portrait in use on the current build for woytinsky is actually a portrait of irakli tsereteli, a completely different menshevik who had no role in the WTB plan. in the original source photo, woytinsky is the guy sitting on the right, not on the left. i made a reddit post talking about it.
Is there a way to backup/restore save files? I was playing a game with friends where we take one action a day after voting as a group and we unfortunately lost our progress somehow.
May I ask, in all honesty, what is the realistic basis that in 1930 Germany if a party started endorsing LGBTQ rights their support would increase?
The developer has stated that he would not want to do certain things, such as make the game last after the year 1933, because it would not be realistic.
Yet this is realistic? 🤔
By the way, I do the land reform three times and nothing happens. Just makes Zenstrum and old middle class hate me lol.
The real-life SPD (and the KPD and DDP) supported repealing Paragraph 175 (and legalizing homosexuality), but they didn’t have the votes to succeed. The Prussian police under SPD control was also relatively tolerant and for the most part did not enforce the anti-gay laws. As far as I can tell, this did not become an electoral issue that negatively affected the SPD (which is not to say that the right didn’t attack them for it, just that it did not seem to move votes compared to everything else going on in Germany). Also, in the game, supporting LGBTQ rights does not directly increase popular support.
It's about appeasing the people, largely via fixing their issues :)
What is your main focus?
Mine is to support syndicalism/labour and pass the WTB plan to fix the economy then to campaign on that, mainly at least.
You need a niche.
I am economy focused. Some are in favour of being like the KDP and starting a civil war to win. Some are in favour of coalition/liberal government of austerity and stuff just to hang on to power and ride it out.
The grand coalition has DVP in it, which is a party who's sole purpose is to see you fail. You need public support which will allow you to be more independent. At least of DVP. Bigger percentage of seats in parliament the better it is.
"Embed a spy" is the second part of that line, isn't it? It increases relations with KPD. I notice that relations with KPD hardly increases without the USSR telling the KPD to increase relations at least once or twice. Zenstrum hates you if the KPD likes you.
Hi Autumn Chen, there's this game on itch.io, which is somewhat similar to this one, not really, but "government sim-esque", you know? Like no one knows about it/plays it. But it has the origins of a good game. Can I post the link here so that people can check it out? Some people get really pissy with ads or whatever, game has nothing to do with me btw, I just can see the dev worked quite hard on it and it gets like zero players, I feel like it needs exposure. Let me know.
Oh wow, that is one hell of an update. Almost feels like a whole new game again! I am still so excited to see what's to come! So much of what me and others have mentioned has been added and its so cool to have that direct line of communication. You have implemented this game so beautifully and I hope I have the chance to buy it on steam some day!
Other than what you have said you planned to add the only suggestion I have is the ability to finish the game after a civil war. Obviously, it would have to be a total victory scenario and the player should be in a position of government when triggered (basically any KPD outcome). This is especially the case if you plan to extend the game to the end of 1933. Also I feel like there should be more end slide notes. With all these new options and accomplishments it would be nice to see them.
I have found a few bugs. Pfulf's women's rights ability seems to just break the game. It freezes up and the text disappears. Severing's prussian bulwark ability doesn't trigger the 6-month wait until you can use an advisor again. You can just use it over and over. Also, any advisor ability which is calling up a card causes a month to pass. If that is intended then it is my suggestion that it doesn't do that.
OMG I cant even go a day without you updating things lol. Thank you for the achievements page. I guess you can take that off my list of recommendations.
All I have now are:
- Emergency Government after total civil war victory where you started in power
← Return to game
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Bug: The enemies card does not count down
Should be fixed now.
Bug report: Forming a grand coalition, falling to a vote of no confidence and then forming a popular front with the KPD immediately causes another vote of no confidence after you select your ministers. I form another popular front and it immediately falls again to "The DVP The Center have called a vote of no confidence".
Should be fixed now.
Thanks for making a downloadable version! Now that there's a zipped version, is there a way to copy our saves from the online version to back them up and use them in the zipped version?
I'm scared to shut down my computer/browser because I don't want to lose the save for the game I'm playing cooperatively with my friends
Oh never mind. I found the saves are stored in localstorage as strings and can be copy/pasted to import export. See imgur screenshot attached if anyone else wants to do this. You just need to copy the contents of "value" to a blank text file to back them up. To restore you just copy them backed up value over a new save.

Save backup/restore would still be a cool feature if you can add it though! Love this game thanks for all your work on it. :)
Feedback: The vote of no-confidence should be two years or at the very least one and half years since it's very hard to enact all the changes in such as short time frame due to the RNG mechanics
This has been changed, and there is now an option to appeal for more time.
I found a bug! If you pick the third option under the homosexual affairs card, the one about trans people, you can then pick it again the next time you draw the card. I took a look inside Github to see what might have caused this, and I think that it's the fact that that particular option is locked with the “sex_change” flag, while selecting the option increments the “trans_rights” flag. I suppose that this might have been intentional to ensure that there's always an option to pick on that card, but if not you may wish to take a look at it.
Should be fixed now.
Bug: KPD goals for social welfare and labor seems to not be working properly (in the code it's += 1 instead of just = 1).
And if you return the economic democracy card it discards it.
Do the KPD goals fail in the actual game though?
It did for me. I can test it again for all the goals.
Additional bug: If KPD blows up the coalition you still get to take all the ministerial positions if you get into the weimar coalition, did not test the grand coaltion.
In a game where I had done all of these before the coalition was started , none after, all of them I did one time only:
- Expand social welfare programs - failed
- Enact a land reform program. - success
- Start substantial nationalization of the economy. - failed
- Make taxes more progressive. - failed
- Support workers in labor disputes. - failed
- Reduce funding for the Reichswehr. - failed
In a game where I had done all of these after the coalition was started , none before, all of them I did one time only:
- Expand social welfare programs - success
- Enact a land reform program. - success
- Start substantial nationalization of the economy. - success
- Make taxes more progressive. - success
- Support workers in labor disputes. - success
- Reduce funding for the Reichswehr. - success
Additionally, if you succeed on every point and then get a KPD vote of no confidence the game thinks you failed their demands. And you can still shuffle ministers despite being in a government where all the ministers belong to the SPD (left front) and when you do shuffle the ministers you cannot see the agriculture minister.
The KPD goals are behaving as expected, except for the land reform program being marked as a success in the first run (which was due to a typo). The KPD goals reset after each election. Maybe there will be some institutional memory in the future but that’s beyond the scope for now.
Okay. I will change my strategy accordingly.
Are there plans to edit it on steam? The game has a lot of potential to workshop and create different mods. It would be great.
I would definitely buy this as a full release on steam if it meant that it would continue to be supported and updated
Me too
In regards to v0.10
I have no suggestions or concerns. This is an amazing game and I love what you have done with it.
Hope to play it on steam some day!
Speculation about bugs:
From my reading of the code the kpd_coalition_dissent can go up even if you're not in a coalition with them. Also if you are in a popular front or left front coalition and then have an election, geting in to a coalition with KPD should not risk a civil war anymore, since it's already been done.
From my reading of the code you will still be able to get negative unemployment.
From my reading of the code you will still be able to get negative support in the military if you block the building of the ship.
Normal bugs:
If you hold an election before Müller dies you can choose Breitschid as Chanselor.
Sometimes you cannot adopt an economic policy when you should be able to. I have no clue why, I saved on the crisis screen with WTB support being 2 and saved. Modified it several times and tried over and over again and it just did not accept it. Not when I had 4 not 3 not 2. Then I loaded to an earlier save made no memorably different actions and it accepted the plan.
Also, I think it's odd that you can choose worse coalitions. Like if you have Weimar coalition available you shouldn't be able to take the grand coalition, and if you can be in the left front you shouldn't be able to take the popular front coalition. And if you get a majority by yourself you should have to govern by yourself. You should always be able to back out of coalition talks (you can't if you choose Weimar) and as long as you have less then 50% you should ba able to refuse to go into any coalition.
Begging someone to upload the OST on youtube lol
I really love the selection of songs in this and it would be nice to have for casual listening
Just uploaded the soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5dtWXwUd90&list=PLuohED5tFTJvzpWk6fSDGFSJQb3XzY8Fj&index=2
Bug report: You cannot select the WTB plan if you chose and enacted the leftist nationalization, but you can do it vice versa.
maybe because by the point you’ve nationalized a bunch of the industries you can essentially enact a works plan via government money anyway? Just an idea.
I love this game! I would love to see an extended timeline, more playable scenarios, or even other parties’ perspectives! A lot to ask but those are the ideas that i think would fit this format and engine beautifully.
As a non-expert on Weimar politics, I think part of the reason the SPD was chosen is that they are large enough to be pretty influential and relevant to things while also being diverse enough to feasibly take differing courses. I think many other parties are so defined by their political stances that it would be less of a historical simulator and more of a what if:
"What if the Communists weren't communist*
"What if the Nazis weren't Nazis"
*What if the Catholic party stops advocating for Catholic concerns"
Yes, I think the liberal parties (DDP and DVP) would have the most potential, in that area. Perhaps there could be some mechanic for the formation of a broad liberal party.
No the SPD was easily the most impactful party in this time period (bar the NSDAP) and i definitely love the diverse confusion between the different factions and strains of non Communist socialism that were present in the 1920-30s, but seeing the KPD, or even Z’s perspective would be cool
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but I had Hindenburg as President + Braun as chancellor in January '33 with a Grand Coalition; the DVP called a vote of no confidence and I didn't have the resources to assuage them; and the camarilla installed Hitler as chancellor. This was my first playthrough with the camarilla overthrowing an SPD chancellor to get Hitler; normally if there isn't a Prussian coup in '32 and SPD is in power, I've been safe.
Either way, I can't begin to say how much I love this game!
I think the Syndikalismus achievement is broken. I empowered the workers to seize factories during the capital strike, but I didn't get Syndikalismus.
The achievement currently requires two separate factory takeovers.
I was looking for political games and found this little masterpiece.
Is it possible to download the game in order to play it offline?
the v0.9 dev log mentions it as a future change so i imagine that should happen in near future
It's possible to get 0% unemployment! I actually had -2% for a while (less than a month) until the capital strike struck.
I would suggest that you change the code so that if the unemployment gets bellow 0.1 it's set to 0.09 to avoid this (not via event as you could get more unemployment in another event and then click the set unemployment to 0.09% event), and to ad a line at the end in case you have less than 0.1 unemployment, maybe something like "Unemployment has sunken to a level where they are insignificant! This is a success of our economic policy."
The game can clearly still be beaten, I could have done better electorally if I had not insisted on passing all three land reforms, taking the State Buyer decision and passing every social reform as I had to defund the unemployed and such...
To do this you have to pass WTB-plan twice, (the second one HAS to be after 1930 has begun) and expand the councils three times before you pass three(!) nationalizations and then get the capital strike and empower workers to seize the factories without raising taxes ones. (Done on easy)
Bug: coalition_affairs_timer does not decrease
Bug (if I understand the code, which I may not): In economic_policy you have written "unemployed -= 3; unemployed -= 1.2 if works_councils >= 3; workers += 2.5;" But you should have written "unemployed -= 3; unemployed -= 1.2 if works_councils >= 3; workers += 3; workers += 1.2 if works_councils >= 3"
And in agricultural_policy (land reform) you have written unemployment -= 1; What is that?
I think the capitalist strike gives the NSDAP too much support especially if it turns back to irrelevancy (getting below the 10% cap and/or Hitler getting deported). It should be the center-bourgeoisie parties that should gain the most out of it if the Nazi support doesn't break through 10%.
But the Bourgeoisie parties should also become significantly more antagonistic and less prone to working with you
Yeah, I know. I just forgot to mention it.
The new version of the game is somehow very difficult, even in easy mode, and mass reforms like reforming homosexuality and women's rights become almost impossible due to the difficulty of reaching the 50% majority. I wonder if there will be a rebalance soon? Also, there are no real benefits of choosing the nationalization path over the WTB since not only does it cost much more, but it is also highly unpopular.
I think it might be too difficult at the start, but when (if) you implement the WTB-plan (and nationalisations) you can get pretty big anyway. Though I do think that the first election might be to difficult actually, maybe the start date should be earlier?
I mean, economically speaking nationalizations would absolutely never be effective and would only ever be harmful. Sometimes, life isn't balanced.
Bug report: You don't get the achievements for socialist transformation and enabling workers to seize the factories
The Syndikalismus achievement currently requires two separate factory takeovers. The Räterepublik achievement requires both multiple nationalizations and several advancements in works councils.
Bug: This happens if you have a vote of no confidence in you on the same turn as the May Day Parade and you allow the communists to march before addressing the vote of no confidence. After the march, I addressed the vote of no confidence, but immediately get hit with another vote of no confidence in the same turn
Allowing the May Day parade might be causing another vote of no confidence.
Bug: When nationalizing the budget taken is sometimes larger then it should be. And if you have started nationalizing you can "continue" the WTB.
This should be fixed now.
"The party does not yet support budget deficits for this purpose. Perhaps bringing on an advisor might help make this action palatable?"
I have tried a bunch of different advisors and never get it. WTF does this mean? Great update though and great game!
I believe you need Woytinsky as an advisor to go into deficit spending.
Bug: The military policy timer does not actually go down, it just stays at 6.
This should be fixed.
saw the source code, it looks insaneee
It's possible to understand the story beyond 1933, for example, extending it until the end of 1945 or even into the 1950s. This would be truly wonderful for the game.
She confirmed that the game is not going to go beyond 1933.
Is it actually possible to get a right wing coalition?
love the game. just wanted to mention, that the portrait in use on the current build for woytinsky is actually a portrait of irakli tsereteli, a completely different menshevik who had no role in the WTB plan. in the original source photo, woytinsky is the guy sitting on the right, not on the left. i made a reddit post talking about it.
The photo has been changed.
Bug: If you make Otto Wells Chancellor you cannot reelect him after the election.
Otto Wels was meant to be more of an acting/temporary chancellor; he’s more of a party leader than a government leader.
any eta on the next update cuz i am really curious how the nationalizations will work
Is there a way to backup/restore save files? I was playing a game with friends where we take one action a day after voting as a group and we unfortunately lost our progress somehow.
Sorry, this isn’t possible right now. I will implement exporting save files as json in the future.
Thanks! Appreciate it :)
This shit's so good man, it's insane.
May I ask, in all honesty, what is the realistic basis that in 1930 Germany if a party started endorsing LGBTQ rights their support would increase?
The developer has stated that he would not want to do certain things, such as make the game last after the year 1933, because it would not be realistic.
Yet this is realistic? 🤔
By the way, I do the land reform three times and nothing happens. Just makes Zenstrum and old middle class hate me lol.
The real-life SPD (and the KPD and DDP) supported repealing Paragraph 175 (and legalizing homosexuality), but they didn’t have the votes to succeed. The Prussian police under SPD control was also relatively tolerant and for the most part did not enforce the anti-gay laws. As far as I can tell, this did not become an electoral issue that negatively affected the SPD (which is not to say that the right didn’t attack them for it, just that it did not seem to move votes compared to everything else going on in Germany). Also, in the game, supporting LGBTQ rights does not directly increase popular support.
even on easy this game is difficult best i can get is "long war"
do NOT let me be a politician EVER
It's about appeasing the people, largely via fixing their issues :)
What is your main focus?
Mine is to support syndicalism/labour and pass the WTB plan to fix the economy then to campaign on that, mainly at least.
You need a niche.
I am economy focused. Some are in favour of being like the KDP and starting a civil war to win. Some are in favour of coalition/liberal government of austerity and stuff just to hang on to power and ride it out.
i though i was getting somewhere by trying to appease the coalition becaause i made it to 1933 before the civil war fired off
The grand coalition has DVP in it, which is a party who's sole purpose is to see you fail. You need public support which will allow you to be more independent. At least of DVP. Bigger percentage of seats in parliament the better it is.
what does ‘forget the second international’ do actually?
from what i understand, its basically F the ussr
nah, that would be the Third International. I think the second international option either strengthens relations with the kpd or weakens the RFB
"Embed a spy" is the second part of that line, isn't it? It increases relations with KPD. I notice that relations with KPD hardly increases without the USSR telling the KPD to increase relations at least once or twice. Zenstrum hates you if the KPD likes you.
If you would be interested, I can provide some colorized portraits for the advisors in the game.
I’m not sure, I kind of like the black-and-white photos… if you want to talk about it in more detail, feel free to email me (see my neocities page).
Hi Autumn Chen, there's this game on itch.io, which is somewhat similar to this one, not really, but "government sim-esque", you know? Like no one knows about it/plays it. But it has the origins of a good game. Can I post the link here so that people can check it out? Some people get really pissy with ads or whatever, game has nothing to do with me btw, I just can see the dev worked quite hard on it and it gets like zero players, I feel like it needs exposure. Let me know.
What is it's name?
Think this is a bug, I formed a government with the KPD and then won the civil war but it didn't give me Sieg für die Republik or Einheitsfront.
This should be fixed now.
burgerkrieg lmao
Oh wow, that is one hell of an update. Almost feels like a whole new game again! I am still so excited to see what's to come! So much of what me and others have mentioned has been added and its so cool to have that direct line of communication. You have implemented this game so beautifully and I hope I have the chance to buy it on steam some day!
Other than what you have said you planned to add the only suggestion I have is the ability to finish the game after a civil war. Obviously, it would have to be a total victory scenario and the player should be in a position of government when triggered (basically any KPD outcome). This is especially the case if you plan to extend the game to the end of 1933. Also I feel like there should be more end slide notes. With all these new options and accomplishments it would be nice to see them.
I have found a few bugs. Pfulf's women's rights ability seems to just break the game. It freezes up and the text disappears. Severing's prussian bulwark ability doesn't trigger the 6-month wait until you can use an advisor again. You can just use it over and over. Also, any advisor ability which is calling up a card causes a month to pass. If that is intended then it is my suggestion that it doesn't do that.
Thanks for the bug reports! They should be fixed in the latest version.
OMG I cant even go a day without you updating things lol. Thank you for the achievements page. I guess you can take that off my list of recommendations.
All I have now are:
- Emergency Government after total civil war victory where you started in power
- Time doesn't advance when using advisor card
- Start a patron or something lol.