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The game is really good! Only time I managed to "win" so far is when I didn't even get into government during the first elections and managed to get the presidency allowing to have a minority government in the end.

A bug:

Sometimes the Reichsbanner's militarization is: 0.19999999...8%

A bug:

SPD only has 28% in an early election in 1929, and the game only has a grand coalition as available, but the DVP and BVP don't want to coalition. Since it is the only coalition available, the game is not able to progress.

This should be fixed in the latest version.

A bug: 

On hard, the right-parties formed a coalition, the game thinks that parliament is suspended and Bruning is using Hindenberg to pass edicts.

The DNVP shouldn’t be able to form a coalition with Z at this point; this should be fixed in the latest version.

What is the historical reason for that? DNVP and Zenstrum not being in coalition.

And what is YOUR favourite way to play Mr. Dev. Any tips/tricks for us?

DNVP were hardline protestants, Zentrum was as a catholic interests party

A bug:

Aufhauser, the labour advisor, his name appears as Leipart.

This should be fixed in the latest version.

I dislike the fact that

A) You cannot form a militarized paramilitary force. The Reichsbanner is an activist organization, not a military one. And cannot turn into a military one. It's training and equipment is always "low".

B) You really cannot change the SPD. As in, it is always a parliamentarian liberal party, well let's call them socialists via contemporary lingo. Why can't I make them "communist"? Or anarchist? Or even proper liberal, a "bourgeoisie" party that gets the support of the "middle-class", the rich, the military, etc. 

I wish appointing Labour, or Left into advisory roles, "strengthening" them, actually did something. Internal factions "strength" really does nothing. Neorevivalists or whatever the neo-'s are called, do nothing. Or at least nothing so far. The left is composed of a guy that wants to cozy up to the KPD and a woman that does nothing. The KPD are braindead yes-man of Stalin in the USSR.

The SPD is incapable of engaging in populism. This is my biggest gripe.

Game is too realistic! Allow me to chart my own course please.


I would prefer to keep the game at least somewhat within the realm of historical plausibility, so the SPD is not going to change so drastically. But yes, there could be more distinctiveness for the different factions and advisors, and that might be explored in the future.

The Reichsbanner can definitely become more militarized than “low”.

How can I make the Reichsbanner gain maximum militarization?

Id like to know how to make the RB more militarized, I have failed many times!

There was an election that happened in my game in 1932, NSDAP 47%, DNVP 4%. *I* was asked, "NSDAP-DNVP coalition? Or, No Majority Government". In this situation the question is left up to the NSDAP and also to DNVP. I have no say in this. I feel they should have formed a coalition and formed government. I believe this is a bug.

This is a mistake and has been fixed now.

Hey man, great game. I wish I could play past 1933 Jan, or even just past winning the civil war, though. There is a huge randomness element to the game because you don't know which card you'll get. It is a really interesting strategy game set in a very interesting time period. I love it! Bug with the unemployment. Shows ex: 12.00000000009% sometimes. Thought it should say 12% instead. Cannot get populace's support up past 38%, majority non-coalition government seems impossible. Is there entropy for support? As in, it constantly wanes by itself? Game is easy once you know what to do. Love that fact, of just tinkering with it until you perfect it. I hope this becomes a demo for a FULL game that will come out on Steam. I don't know how one develops games, but man I wish I could do something this great.

Anyone have advice on how to not get kicked out of the gov? I'm able to enact the WTB plan and even cut welfare, but centrists still hate me

Your coalition partners need to have good relations with you. Easiest way is inter-party affairs, via party cards deck. You need 1 party funding. Or use an advisor, I like Braun, who can increase coalition-partners relations.


really cool game! would you consider adding a cheat mode so people could explore the different outcomes?

There’s already easy mode, but if you want to cheat, you can use the browser console to set variables. For example, you could set dendryUI.dendryEngine.state.qualities.kpd_relation = 100

That command doesn't work

I would also like to put forth a suggestion to add a cheat mode, just so more people can experience more from your game.

Did you do right click -> “Inspect” and then type that into the console?

Yes, even tried different variations for a while, didn't do anything.


An interesting bug I discovered is that you can "win too much" and the game starts getting confused, particularly if you get Braun elected as President. Because Müller was dead at this point, my only option for Chancellor was Braun (even though he's already busy being president) and banning the Stahlhelm still weakened my relationship with "President" Hindenburg.  (To be clear, great game! Have spent way too much time playing it)


Chancellor-President Braun is absolutely an intended (potential) outcome haha, although there should be more chancellor options in the Weimar coalition. The Hindenburg thing seems like a bug though; I’ll fix it soon.


I believe you mean Minister-President-Chancellor-President Braun! The busiest man in Deutschland


Well congratulations on having an article on PC Gamer about your game.


Game is great. Well done! 

I would appreciate it if there was an option to disable the music.

There’s an option in the latest version, in the “Options” menu at the top.

Great! Thank you.


Is there a way to get SPD + KPD victory? I'm trying to juggle things so I can do the public works program, get an SPD chancellor and Thalmann for President, and win the civil war. Idk why but im fixated on it lol. Amazing game btw, I'm utterly addicted.


Yeah id love to do that also, I have not managed yet.

(2 edits) (+2)

As long as you have warm relations and accomplish the rest of your goals that should be possible. I've been able to get the KPD to cooperate with me for President (both me supporting Thalmann and them supporting Braun) but never as part of my coalition.

Closest I've gotten was once I asked them to abstain on a vote of no confidence and they demanded to be part of the coalition instead. My remaining partners refused to consider it, not sure if it's possible rn. Maybe if the united left coalition is >50% and that event fires?

Maybe you can suck up to both the KDP and the Weimar parties enough to get them all to agree with it but that's a tall order.


I did get a KPD+SPD Victory but involved going for a Civil War Victory. My strategy there was to focus on party stuff and keep on expanding and militarizing the Reichsbanner and trying to fix relations with the KPD. I then gave Thalmann the chancellorship and fought with the KPD, with the rather amusing thing where the Reichsbanner outnumbers and outmilitarizes the other paramilitaries and the state's armed forces. That run ended with Thalmann trying to remake Wiemar Germany in the Soviet Image.

There is a way to get this united-front. You need very good relations with KPD, and KPD & SPD need 50% of the votes in the election. You also need 3 party resources for bribery, if you don't have VERY good relations with KPD.


Awesome game! Great interactive history. I wasn't able to finish it, but looking forward to having another go around!


Finally made it through with a SPD victory and no civil war. Great game. Thrilling!

How did you win? I managed to with WTB, but street fighting didn't work out for me yet.

I have found winning with civil war much easier than through saving the economy, the key is to have broad support across the political realm, through all parts of civil society, and a weakened hard right wing.

I never seem to have a strong enough reichsbanner!


Frankly, a great game, very good even. I really don't have anything to propose: maybe having the WTB be repeatable and strengthening with each report (although, i might have missed something). Rest of the issues are already said by you, so i won't repeat them. Again, great game.

Oh, I forgot to ask; Is it possible to get Weimar in 1928?


The WTB is repeatable, I did it twice


The WTB is not repeatable. You do it once to come up with the plan on the governmental level, then do it again to enforce it. You do it once, it needs two "button-presses" to go through.

Really love this, been having a blast playing it. Alternate history is one of my most favorite things, so getting to play around in the waning days of Weimar Germany has been extremely fun.

Though, is it intentional that if you let the Center take the chancellorship, you don't draw any of your ministry cards as you're categorized as opposition? I feel there's not really a point to doing that then besides letting the Center take the brunt of the crisis, since all your ministries become useless.


If you’re part of the grand coalition but letting Brüning be chancellor, you should still be able to pick ministries and draw cards for those ministries. However, if you’re doing toleration, you don’t get any ministries.

If you still don’t get ministry cards and are part of the government, this might be a bug…

(1 edit)

Yeah, I pick letting Brüning/the Center take the chancellorship with the Grand Coalition in the first election so I can get more ministries, but then I'm unable to ever actually draw those ministries since the side bar says I'm in opposition to the government.

Thanks, this should be fixed in the latest version.


Holy shit this rocks. Sterling work! I'd like to have more explanation of the characters: what party/SPD faction they're in, what they do as advisors, maybe a short blurb about their past. Ideally this'd be like Victoria or CK3 tooltips, but even a section in the Library or a list with a search would be great too. More visuals in general would be nice, particularly pie charts for popular support and whatnot. I'm not sure how possible these suggestions would be in this engine. 

I hope you do go through with your plans for a release on Steam. This is an incredible starting point, and the fact you did it in a month is a miracle. I think you'd need to extend the game into 1936 and the next election or the end of the civil war. Best of luck! 

PS: does contacting the SFIO/Labour do anything? I thought they'd show up in the civil war ending.


Contacting them I think it makes it easier to negotiate with the French/British for a reduction reparations.

The West always allows you to pause reparations if you inform them of the right wing parties attempts at re-militarization of the German army.


Thanks! Visuals would be possible but would take some work; there might be choicescript-style bar graphs. I probably wouldn’t want to extend the game to 1936, since by that point the game’s story would be totally fictional, and I would prefer to keep the story more grounded in historical events.

There are some choices in the game that are just objectively not very useful, and IMO contacting SFIO/Labour is one of them lol (contacting the American socialists is a 100% waste of resources).

(1 edit)

what does all the ministers do? also what is the wonderful song?

Opening song is Frühlingslied by Mendelssohn, from

thank you but what does all the ministers do?

Ministers give you a specific card in the government affairs - Finance gives Budget decisions, Economy gives Welfare, Interior does Interior, Foreign give Foreign Policy, Reichswehr gives Reichswehr decisions (additionally, you can avoid building the cruiser), Labor gives an awful card, and I never picked Justice. I think Finance-Economic-Interior combo is best (although Finance-Interior-Foreign may also be good)

Avoid picking Labor at all costs, it just wastes a deck space.

Although, if you are able to get a government without the pesky DVP and have good relations with Zentrum+DDP, I think you can go ahead (still won't recommend)



Labour doesn't waste a deck space. It increases relations with workers and decreases relations with the "bourgeoisie" parties. Or vice-versa.


Quite a fun little game, more games like this would definitely be cool to see!

does anyone have any advice on how to adopt the WTB plan?

also, a more ‘street-fighting’ focused play-through sounds interesting, is that possible?


To adopt the WTB plan, you need either Leipart or Woytinsk (part of the Labor faction) and then use either of their Advisor actions to obtain support for the plan among the unions.  Then, via the event "The Economic Crisis", choose the Labor faction option.  Finally, once you control the Economic and/or Finance Ministry, use Woytinsk's Advisor ability to institute it.

Also I think you can go for a "street-fighting" if you focus funding on the Reichsbanner and choosing to fund the youth organizations; supporting the Left faction may also help but I'm not sure


You don't necessarily need Leipart/Woytinsk to obtain support, you can do it via the Economic Crisis card. It's just inefficient to use the card draw like that unless you already have it.


Step 1: Emergency fundraising
Step 2: Emergency fundraising
Step 3: Emergency fundraising
Step 4: Emergency fundraising


This one is super interesting! I did take a peak behind the curtains (aka looked at the source code) and it was really interesting to see what options were presented and what not.


This is really, really good. In fact I'd say it's one of the best text-based games on here I've ever played, if not the best. I can't wait to see where this goes!


Really enjoy this game you have created. A part of me wants to ask if you are willing to give a guide to the thing, another part of me wants to see if I can accomplish my goals without guidance.


Honestly I don’t even know how to get to all the possible outcomes myself lol, so all I can provide are generalities.

Well any guidance is better than no guidance.

And I don't know whether to be impressed that you made a game that complicated or disappointed that you don't know the ins and outs of your creation.

Are all options possible? It feels almost impossible to get to some outcomes like certain early government front stuff.

(2 edits)

I got the Weimar coalition exactly once and it didn't actually change much, I still got events like the Unemployment Insurance Crisis despite not having the DVP in government. (EDIT: DVP not DVNP)


this is fire


Very cool! I love this alternate history stuff, and this taught me a lot about this period of German politics. Thanks for making this!

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