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Totally get that the answer may be "because otherwise it would be too broken", but what's the logic for Brüning still being the caretaker chancellor if a government falls under President Braun? Wouldn't he appoint an SPD chancellor (though perhaps you should have a weaker policy mandate to signify you are in a temporary capacity)?

(4 edits) (+5)(-2)

simple suggestion - maybe add some kind of warning system when the coalition is about to break?

it's just i don't understand how coalition works, just realized that good relations doesn't guarantee lasting coalition, votes of no confidence can be called even though you're best buddies with the DVP and Zentrum. If theres some kind of warning system i can kinda know when to take a break from implementing too many leftist policies and work on party relationship instead (things like "Zentrum leaders spoke against too much socialist policies in a parliament session, fearing economic catastrophe").


Yeah, a warning event by coalition partners like the business warnings would make it less random  

Doesn't the 'Coalition Affairs' card currently do this?

it's a card, not a warning system. for now the whole coalition breakdown system just feels too random and too sudden, i know it might be messing with "balance" but realistically you should know when your coalition partner starts to resent your policies, especially if you have good relations with them.

alternatively a "tiered" resentment system can be implemented with cheaper cost at the first vote of no confidence threat (maybe a mere 1-2 resource or a minister spot) but one "repeat offense" would result in a progressively increasing cost

(2 edits) (+1)

It's a lot more difficult to get less than 1% unemployment  now (the game automatically sets it to 1% if it's below 1%). 

My method is, get two land reforms during 1929, get WTB-plan implemented ones 1929 and once more january 1930 (unemploment is then 15.6% which makes WTB nr 2 remove 5% unemployment), then land reform twice during 1930 (unepoyment has to be over 5% for land reform and WTB and lowering taxes to have an effect), AND lower overal taxes ones 1930 (if done 1929 in conjungtion with two land reforms WTB nr 2 is weaker), do the WTB-plan again january 1931 and then do the third work council reform 1931 (removes 2% unemployment, if done earlier it gets uneployemnt to low for the WTB-plan to have the dissired effect), january 1932 and 1933 do the nationalizations (remove 1.2% uneployment twice) and if you keep capital strike progress low enough you can survive high inflation without business even getting worried (raises unemployment). 


Bug: The adoption of the WTB-plan still doesn't work. If you have wtb support at 2 save, and test it a few times, sometimes you get it adopted, sometimes you don't (this also applies to the left plan and probably also the reformist plan so I think it's a quite serious bug). If you change an advisor before the card shows up it sometimes starts working.

My theory on the problem (this might be completely wrong btw): The card checks the requirements when it shows up, but it doesn't "see" the wtb support (or left support or reform support) until you change scene maybe? Not sure about this since going to the library or doing another card does not fix the problem, only removing (adding?) an advisor.


This was a typo in one of the variable names; it should be fixed now.

I forgot to mention it before, you can pass the WTB before the crisis if you chose to deal with economic crisis first in the Confronting the Nazis card. I'm guessing that this is not intentional.


The center-right can call a vote of no-confidence due to the implementation of the compromise unemployment insurance plan that they agreed upon. This seems unrealistic, and also not very balanced from a gameplay standpoint, as the benefit for compromising instead of ending the coalition should be that the coalition survives.


This is changed now, so that accepting the compromise no longer increases coalition dissent.


This is the best game I've managed to get. I did do this on easy mode, though

what was your strategy?

Improve relations with the KPD, always campaign with the unemployed so that your support doesn't suffer too much when the stock market crashes, consolidate support among the left and labor factions so that you can adopt the left plan normally and use Wotinsky(I butchered that name probably) to adopt the WTB-plan. Enact both ASAP. Get Braun elected by using good relations with the KPD and resources on the center. I chose Bruning as the emergency chancellor to reduce the chance of a march on Berlin. After that, it should be smooth sailing as you have all cabinet positions and a no-confidence vote can't really unseat you. Also, invest in Radio a lot.

I noticed that the app for Android doesn't update to the newest version released over the past couple days.  Is the a way to do so, especially without deleting achievements?

There’s no auto-update right now; you would have to download and reinstall the APK. In my experience, saves and achievements will not be deleted.

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

Suggestion: Reduce useless cards like homosexuality in early game.

When you don't have a 50% majority the card is essentially useless and stops you from getting actually IMPORTANT cards like Interior and Foreign ministries. This is particularly frustrating in a united left run when you can't get the important cards needed to proceed.

yeah, or at least implement some other mulligan system other than using wels and losing that advisor cooldown

(2 edits) (+1)

Suspected bug report: Clicking an adviser’s action card but return card costs 1 action point

Bug report: You lose the finance ministry if you enacted reformist economic plan and couldn't get it back in Weimar coalition 

I’m not sure I understand the second bug - could you describe in detail what happened?

If you enact the reformist plan and also have the finance ministry, you will lose the ministry and can never bargain it back in a Weimar Coalition. Idk if it’s because I made the finance minister of Hindenburg resign though 

After you get the Schact against Hilferding event, you should still be able to get the Finance Ministry back through Shuffle Cabinet…

Unsure if this is intended behavior or not: Woytinsky's implement the economic plan option only works if you specifically have the WTB plan adopted, but lets you implement any economic plan. It also lets you implement the non-WTB economic plans an unlimited number of times, but the WTB plan only twice.

Also, is it intended that Schacht still calls for the government to fall in the high inflation event even after I expose his dealings in the Schacht against Hilferding event?

Bug: Labor unrest fired for me while I had the labor ministry.
Bug: Clear the agenda does not work (testing the new easy mode, so it might be related to that)


This should be fixed now.

Bug (I think): the reformist economic plan actually decreases inflation. It would increase inflation much less than the other plans, but it's still fundamentally a stimulus and certainly wouldn't make it actively go down.

I can’t seem to replicate this; the plan only increases inflation - it might be that you’re doing the economic plan on a new year, which is when the deflation from the global Great Depression would hit, or there’s something else lowering inflation…

(1 edit)

Bug report: In easy mode, when the SPD won a majority, clearing agenda of Wels doesn't work in October 1933

This should be fixed now.

(1 edit) (+1)

Suggestion #1: Carl Severing should get a reformist economic policy advice card since he currently has only two cards.

Suggestion #2: We should be able to see the relationship with the capitalists.

(2 edits)

Suspected bug report: You can no longer implement the WTB plan if reformist plan adopted.

Hindenburg still appoints Hitler as chancellor instead of Goring despite the funny mustache man being deported from Germany.


First one should be fixed now. For the second one, it should be that depending on the circumstances, either Goebbels becomes chancellor, or it’s stated that Hindenburg invites Hitler back and gives him citizenship…

(1 edit) (+3)

It is a bright time for democracy in the Reich... (Kaiserreich)


That looks really cool!


How tf did you get the Kaiserreich back?


Inspect element. It's a Swedish map from before WW1, but cropped so that it looks like the world of Kaiserreich.

Oh i thought you got the kaiser back in the actuall game


Bug report: I managed to get Braun elected President, but then had a march on Berlin happen and held snap elections. The NSDAP+DNVP won a majority, but I was still able to click "no clear majority" and hold new elections again and again.

Also bug report: I managed to get the people's party card showing up, but chose the option for not becoming a people's party. Later on I played campaigning and it said the SPD was still a people's party anyway, then got the achievement for becoming a people's party.

I can’t seem to replicate the second bug - can you provide more details on how it happens?

On easy: Have Pfulf as an advisor, use her building a people's party ability, choose "No, we will always be a party of the working class.", and then campaign with the middle class/rural workers. Still gives the text "As a people's party, we have an easier time increasing support among the middle class than before.".

Thanks, this should be fixed now.

difficult af


True but it’s too fun to quit

(1 edit) (+1)

Can you make an exception for the end slide when it comes to "elections are now only held after all other events for the month have been resolved."? Sometimes I schedule an election for December 1933 to try to maximize how much I can get in the last election.


This should be done.


OMG I've been playing this game for months with little to no success.  I just had a game where I finished with Otto Braun as President, a 38% popularity and with out falling out of power.  Things I did:

1. Started radio 

2. Did agriculture reform.

3. Increased the Reichsbanner twice so the SA couldn't run rampant.

4. Kept party dissent to low overall.

5. Avoided playing cards that forced me to make decisions on labor or welfare.

6. Twice investigated corporations to garner further support.


I have been wondering a few things, first how effective/detrimental is radio for its price?  How do I increase the budget without just tanking welfare?  I wish I could divert party resources into my budget.


Increase the budget by increasing taxes using the fiscal policy card. You receive this card by picking the Ministry of Finance. 


Thank you so much for adding the save import/export option!

(1 edit) (+4)

Suggestion: I don't think the advisor actions should take a turn and should not reset the timer for the normal card associated (if there is one) and I don't think any event should take a turn.

(4 edits)

Bug report: Hitler has been deported but when the Nazis won, it shows that he is the undisputed leader of Germany. It should have been Goring, not Hitler. Additionally, it should have been Goring appointed chancellor by Hindenburg, not Hitler.

If you still believe Hitler would be welcome back to Germany and be assumed the office of Nazi leadership and chancellorship/presidency, there should be an event about it.


Added some text for this case.


Bug: on Hard Mode, Wels' "reduce dissent" function actually increases dissent!


I can’t seem to replicate this. When does this happen?

(1 edit)

Bug report: Clicking the right vote of no-confidence and let the snap election happen cancels out the right-wing militants marching in Berlin event. Someone else has mentioned a similar problem about the presidential election event being cancelled out too. This is rather similar.

This is because currently, the March on Berlin event only happens if the SPD to be in government.

The presidential elections being skipped is definitely a bug though…


I don't know why it's flagged as malware, please gimme more info

Huh, I just installed and ran AVG AntiVirus on my phone to test this, and didn’t get any messages like this…

I believe that the APK is virus-free and this is a false positive; you can decide whether or not to trust it. Releasing it via the play store might fix this, but that would require registration and payment, which I might do eventually…

So i reported that its not malware, so i guess the antivirus corrected it

Suggestion: Can there be an event a few months before a regularly scheduled election (an election that hasn't been called due to the player or a vote of no confidence). It could simply mention that the parties are gearing up for campaign season. It would be helpful to remind the player that an election is upcoming. It would also give these elections a bit more fanfare. Other elections get an event (vote of no confidence), a card (coalition affairs), or an advisor action, all of which make the election feel more important. An event reminding the player that their will be a regularly scheduled election in a few months would have a similar effect


Bug report: I managed to have the Reichstag and Presidential elections happen on the same turn (April 1932) and clicked the Reichstag elections first. It somehow managed to end the month/turn and cancelled the Presidential elections. 

This seems to happen with other events too if you fire an election and another event on the same turn and click the election event first. It's avoidable if you just fire the non-election event first though.

Oh god, this seems like a huge bug, I'm sure Autumn will fix it soon tho

This should be fixed now.

(2 edits)

 Bug report: You can’t boost the loyalty of the MoI or the police above “mostly loyal” no matter how many times you try in hard mode


I found it hilarious that the best way to "win" is to follow the policies of the NSDAP. Playing the game according to SPD policy would be tolerance/lack-of-action in every turn, and austerity for the sake of toleration.

The NSDAP policy of Braun the President-Chancellor-Minister of Prussia. Massive public spending to boost the economy. Funding and expanding the police and military for aid against enemy paramilitary. And sacking any and all disloyal officers, judges, policeman, etc, in every corner, are as Hitlerism as you can get.

Sometimes the only way to ensure not failing is literally bribing the coalition parties to maintain the coalition.

SPD wins by becoming a non-anti-Semitic NSDAP. Hilarious.

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Social democratic authoritarianism isn’t the same as Nazism, as it aims to protect democracy and the republic by force if necessary, unlike Nazis which establishes a totalitarian genocidal fascist one-party state. One is necessary evil and the other is pure evil 


The notion that democracy is what you favour and an undemocratic policy/government/decision is one that you disfavour is a dangerous notion.

Funny enough, hilarious even, The Nazis used the same argument. That they were the party of democracy and freedom. Because they favoured a government that came out via certain referendums than the November revolution.

One is something you favour, thus is "NECESSSARY" (might be evil, who cares).

One is something you disfavour, thus is EVIL!! (nothing more needs to be said).

This is a very dangerous line of thinking.

Anyone can argue that THEIR brand of authoritarianism is actually the one that is in favour of the people or a term they use without substance like liberty or democracy. Like I said, funny enough, the Nazis did exactly that. A socialist party that wasn't socialist, a democratic government that wasn't democratic. The same thing you semi-support?

I guess the big difference is the hatred of the Jews. Good that there is some discerning distinguishing difference between yourself and Hitler. Haha.


"National Socialist Authoritarianism isn't the same as Bolshevism, as it aims to protect the people's will/nation's will, thus democracy, even by force if necessary. Unlike Bolshevists which seek to establish a totalitarian genocidal communist one-party state. One is necessary evil and the other is pure evil."

Change the "ism" with whatever "ism" you like and copy paste.

(1 edit) (+9)(-1)

This is just not true, and borders on denial of Nazi atrocities. Nazi apologia will not be tolerated in these comments.

As for why this is incorrect:

Even the most authoritarian SPD in the game doesn’t come close to the Nazis, even apart from the massive factor of antisemitism. Even the most radical SPD does not use the Reichsbanner to launch a coup or intimidate voters during elections, as the Nazis did in 1933, much less assassinate opposition leaders (many SPD and KPD leaders who didn’t flee were murdered by the SA after March 1933, and many more died in the concentration camps). It is not possible to ban the NSDAP, much less the center-right opposition (the Nazis banned every non-NSDAP party not long after taking power). Chancellor-President Braun isn’t really doing anything that presidents Ebert or Hindenberg had not done, and the unity of the head of government and head of state makes the position akin to an American president. Even the most anti-democratic route in the game, cancelling elections under an emergency government, is implied to be temporary, with the promise of new elections in the future. Banning the paramilitaries was done IRL because they were murdering people and planning to violently overthrow the government (and had in fact tried to do so previously), and the bans against the SA were largely ineffective because much of the judiciary and bureaucracy were also anti-democracy. In this environment, removing the anti-democratic parts of the government apparatus would be eminently justifiable for any party interested in preserving democracy.

Government spending to boost the economy was done by every somewhat successful government during the Great Depression, authoritarian or democratic. Hitler did it, but so did Roosevelt and Léon Blum and Per Albin Hansson. The Nazis coupled it with anti-labor and anti-union policies, which went against the core of social democracy. Not to mention the SPD’s support for women’s rights and the rights of sexual minorities, and its internationalism and anti-militarism made for radical contrasts with the NSDAP.

In fairness, there was cross-pollination in policies and politics between the SPD, KPD, and NSDAP. The NSDAP economic plan was in part inspired by the SPD’s WTB-plan, and they appropriated socialist and communist slogans. And the Iron Front was set up in direct response to Nazi and Communist organizing methods, and consciously adopted an emotional and symbolic rhetorical style like the extremist parties. But the actual substance was entirely different.

Finally, there are many paths to “winning” in the game that do not rely on anything akin to authoritarianism. It is quite possible to succeed without militarizing the Reichsbanner and without using police powers or emergency government.

Anyway, anything else like this will be banned from the comments.


Please make a sandbox mode or something. Push the end date to 1936. Make it possible to select policies, just give them a cooldown. Rather than random draw. Sort of akin to being able to shuffle leadership at will in easy mode. Like that but with a 3-6 turn timer. Or just make each month have two turns in it. Instead of one. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Another suggestion: Hindenburg should be able to dismiss the chancellor if you enacts too many radical communist policies like nationalization and workers seize factories

Runs the risk of limiting what players can do. Maybe if you have a good enough relation with Hindenburg he doesn't? Or you can send the reichsbanner (and if KPD is on your side the RFB) to make sure he doesn't? Or maybe do a legislative coup if he tries?


Suggestion on expanding diplomacy: Germany soft power

1. Improve relationship with our neighbors: (Poland and Czezhoslovakia) three times, and you will get an alliance option with them.

2. You can call the allies in the civil war to intervene on our behalf by sending troops, massively increasing our chances of victory at the start and/or the ability to end the long war with an extended victory of the republic ending 

They would be allied to Germany not to the SPD, so it would depend on which civil war you got. 


Is there a way to get the neo revisionism event faste

I don't even know what causes neo-revisionism to come about. What is it? Sometimes it never occurs.


It’s based on the perception of Nazi threat - neorevisionism appears if the Nazis have received more than 10% in an election and you’ve chosen to confront the Nazis or have chosen them as your primary enemies.


Excited to see that you are considering a Steam release. You've made a fantastic game and you've definitely secured my purchase. Do you have any initial ideas of what price it will be? Also, whether it will be in early access? I understand if you don't want to answer this question, as you probably want to consider things further before revealing anything


If there is a Steam release, the price will probably be no more than $5. Before it’s released, I hope to include support for Steam achievements, cloud saves, and the workshop. Not sure about early access.

Although I don’t know if the Steam release will actually happen.

Personally, I would be willing to pay $12-15 if the game was expanded a bit more (potentially through early access?). However,  I can't speak for everyone, so $5 may be the better choice

(2 edits)

Bug report: you cannot increase taxes to a certain limit or the capital strike will happen regardless of how many times you side with employers or cut the taxes of the rich

Bug report: Visiting the Streetfighting card and then returning the card to the deck still boosts SA strength. This is repeatable.

This should be fixed now.


Can you add decimals to the public opinion percentage. Preferably, add as many decimals as possible so as to let people know the true percentage increase when gaining popularity.


This is a really good game, hard but enjoyable. Are you planning on updating this or making any new games?


This game gets updated roughly every 2 weeks. As for new projects, Autumn hasn't said anything and is focusing on this game.

(1 edit) (+4)

This is my post from the subreddit that I thought could potentially be worth posting here. If this is the wrong place to post it let me know and I will delete it.

I have been thinking of the best possible features that could be added for a full release on Steam. These are suggestions from someone who doesn't know anything about coding, so these ideas may be unreasonable. Also, I know this is a long list, but I'm not demanding any of this. This list is purely me theorizing about a potential steam release, mainly for my own entertainment. I have ranked them based on how important for a full release I think they would be:

A. Very Important

  1. Steam Workshop Support: This would allow the game to be really replayable, as people could make mods to play alternate settings or with gameplay tweaks.
  2. Visual Clarity: Some basic graphics would make things more engaging. I am thinking of a parliament arch for elections, Like This. Also, photos for the leaders of the various factions and parties. Perhaps some charts to show your support amongst different demographics or the power of different factions in the party, but that is less important.
  3. Balancing: There are some cards that do nothing and should be made more useful. For example, several options in the 'International Relations' don't seem to do anything. Some other cards have options that have effects but are worthless in comparison to other options in that card. For example, most of the options in 'Political Rally' seem worthless in comparison to Sozialpolitik. Obviously, every option shouldn't be just as useful because that would make the choice meaningless. However, some niche use for them would be nice, although some deliberately useless or detrimental options would be good as well.
  4. Useful Ministries: Some ministries seem to have only one obvious use and should be abandoned as soon as you have used them. For example, there isn't much of a reason to hold the Justice Ministry after you have reformed the judiciary. Giving some reason to hold onto Justice after you have reformed it would be nice. Similarly, there is no reason to hold the Economic Ministry before Black Thursday.
  5. More Events: These can be more historical flavor to challenge the player, forcing them to make a choice. It can also be generic ones that react to the player depending on how they are doing. So, if the economy is crashing you could have events that force you to make tough choices between various options. Or if the economy is going strong you could have a generic event that responds to that, increasing relations with your coalition members or increasing your support amongst the populace. These generic events would be good for the later period of the game. Or there could be more events for being in a certain ministry
  6. Minority Coalition: There should be some cards available when you are supporting a minority coalition. You should have the opportunity to draw red lines, make demands, etc. This would be similar to what we have to experience from the other parties. The system with the KPD would be a good model to use for this.
  7. Opposition: It would be interesting to have the option to go into the opposition, allowing a Right or Bourgeoisie coalition to form. However, it would also have to have cards that allow us to be an active opposition, like criticizing the government, disrupting their bills, organizing strikes, etc.
  8. Prussia: There should be more ways that we can interact with Prussia. At the moment, it is largely focused around the police. However, there are other aspects that could be explored. We should also be able to regain leadership in Prussia if we give it up or manage relations with coalition partners there.
  9. Advantage of Being President: There should be more content associated with getting the presidency. I have heard that it is possible to use decree powers; if that is the case, then that is an excellent start. Perhaps an additional card or a few events to make the impact of the victory felt.
  10. "It’s The Economy, Stupid": More of the events should relate back to the economy, even if they have a milder effect. Currently, it is just the Finance, Economy, and Agriculture ministries that impact the economy. Labour and Foreign should all have minor effects on the budget or employment. Similarly, there should be a more negative effect on the economy if you are overdoing certain aspects. For example, if you are raising taxes repeatedly without improving the economy, then unemployment should increase at a faster rate. Also, if you raise taxes too much there should be capital flight, a capital strike, or really increase the chances of a coup (I know democratising the economy can do this already, but taxes should also play a role. However, I could be mistaken and this is already the case, which brings me to the next point)
  11. More Feedback. Currently you can make important decisions, but the game doesn't let you feel the impact. If you are particularly good or bad in a particular stat the game should punish/reward you for it (even if it is just a well done/you screwed up). For example, repeatedly purging the reactionaries from the bureaucracy should have a stat increase/achievement/different ending/a hug

B. Somewhat Important

  1. Less Random Chance: At the moment, the entire game is dependent on what cards you draw. It would be nice if you had a bit more control over the direction of the game. There is money, but that is dependent on cards to be earned and spent. A currency like 'Political Capital' or 'Influence' which is somewhat independent of the cards could help here. If they are managed well, you will have an advantage, adding more of a skill element to the game. However, other options to decrease randomness could be better; this is just one idea. Although, maintaining the high difficulty of the game would be important.
  2. Factions: There should be more ways to interact with the factions. You should be able to support or suppress factions, deal with fights, and organize compromises. There should also be more feedback when they push back against you. At the moment, all they do is step down as advisors and decrease unity. If there is a serious split, there should be events where they threaten to leave the party/vote against the government/etc. This could be devastating, and you have to pay them off/pass a policy they like/etc. The features for the KPD supporting the government could be a good framework for a rebellious faction demanding concessions. If they do leave it should be debilitating. Perhaps this is a place where 'Influence' could be used.
  3. Parties: It should be possible to interact with the parties more deeply and try to improve their relations. Most relations with the other parties are indirect (supporting things they like) or focused on campaign funds. It should be possible to make guarantees to the parties, saying you will perform some actions before a certain date; otherwise, receive a massive negative relations hit (similar to the feature with the KPD). Secondly, it should be possible to give each party concessions. Some ideas for this are things like:
    • DNVP = Allow the Kaiser to return from exile, but not restore the monarchy (which would improve their relations and improve their popularity, but anger the other parties and the Allies). Allow anti-Catholic/anti-Semitic policies through (which would improve their relations and improve their popularity, but anger Zentrum, DVP, DPP, the factions, Catholics, etc.).
    • Zentrum = Allow religious schools (which would improve their relations and improve their popularity, but anger various factions, KPD, DVP, DPP, and maybe the DNVP). Have a nationwide Concordat with the Holy See (which would improve their relations and improve their popularity, but anger various factions, KPD, DVP, DPP, and DNVP).
    • DVP = Tax cuts. Decrease tariffs. Improve relations with the Allies. Privatize state companies.
    • DPP = Hugs??
    • These would interactions could make the game more skill-based. It could also be used through 'Political Capital'.
  4. Longer Timeframe: Possibly going to 1934 or 1935. I am aware that it is currently planned to go to the end of 1933, but it would be nice to go even further.
  5. Long Mode: A mode where each month is two turns would allow for longer games. Personally, I like the idea of being able to play a game over a longer period. However, the cards would have to be rebalanced.
  6. More Ministry Cards: Right now, there is only one card associated with each ministry, excluding Finance, Economy, and arguably Foreign (if you count the changing options around reparations as a different card). However, all of these ministries could have cards that focus on a different aspect of the position. Here are some suggestions for what could be focused on in new cards or splitting old cards:
    • Labour =
      • Supporting Unions (Currently there)
      • Labour Policy (Setting minimum wage, interacting with the cooperative that you set up, workplace safety)
      • Strikes Against the State (Dealing with strikes in state companies, strikes during the depression, etc.) All of these could affect the economy, the support of the factions/parties.
    • Interior =
      • Crime and Punishment (Pretty much already there)
      • Dealing with bureaucracy (Purging reactionary elements, streamlining the civil service, subtly using it against your enemies, managing the press, etc.)
    • Finance =
      • Funding (Already there)
      • Economic Democracy (Already there)
      • Managing Debt
      • Funding other Ministries (Dealing with overspending in other ministries or other issues that require additional funding. You could accommodate the ministries, making things go smoother (if they're your party) or gain favor with them (if they are a coalition partner). Or you could sabotage them (anger the coalition partner and cause them to lose support).
    • Economic =
      • Economic Policy (Currently there)
      • Company Bankruptcies (Bail them out or let them fail)
      • Minor reforms (Minor changes that you can make prior to Black Thursday)
      • Manage State Companies (Will they be privatised, expanded, fulfil certain roles, etc)
    • Justice =
      • Reform (Currently there)
      • Constitutional Law (Attempt to alter the constitution, discussed below)
    • Foreign =
      • Reparations/Dealing with the Allies (Currently partially there, could be expanded to interact with Young Plan, Responding to Hoover's tariffs, etc.)
      • Soviet Union (Deal with KPD, trade, military, being antagonistic to increase support of bourgeoisie)
      • Trade with neighbors (Decrease tariffs, improve relations, German-Austrian Customs Union was possible in that period but rejected by the French)
    • Agriculture = ???
    • Reichswehr =
      • Military Funding (Increase or Decrease)
      • Military Loyalty (Bribes, Integrating the Reichsbanner into the military, Reforming the army, etc.)
  7. More Campaign Cards: It would be important to have more campaign cards if the game was extended. These could be things like:
    • Campaigning with a certain Demographic (Maybe increase your popularity with them, but decrease with other groups)
    • State election (The possibility to campaign on certain issues)
    • Local Coalition (Who will we go into coalition or campaign with in a state election? Improve relations with a certain faction/party)
    • Local fight (Deal with a fight between different factions at a local level. Pick a faction to support)
  8. Constitutional Change: This could be an interesting end-game option that would allow the player to make changes to the Weimar constitution. Make your mark on the country and improve the country. It should be difficult and require reforms through the Justice Ministry. Maybe a 5% limit to get into parliament, economic reforms, centralising power, etc
  9. More Election Metrics (Late Game). Things like voter apathy, party scandals, and other factors have to accounted for in the game, especially the late game. People will gradually get sick of the SDP, even if they saved them for the depression, so that would be good to model in the game if it is expanded beyond 1935
  10. More Endings. There should be endings where the DNVP, DVP, or Zentrum finish the game extremely strong. They could Return the Monarchy, Install a Dictatorship, or Reinforce a Conservative or Liberal Democracy

C. Unimportant

  1. Play as different parties?
  2. Different settings? (1925? 1918? Kaiserreich???)
  3. Party splits?

This ended up being a lot longer than intended. I'm so sorry

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