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I know your life is probably very busy but i sometime feel although my decisions have no long term impact I feel this could be fixed by just writing some different text if you take a decision multiple times

(2 edits)

Is there  a possibiility to prevent Engelbert Dollfuß from acting an emergency state in Austria ?(or learning Austria Socialist should be less effective after March 1933)

(1 edit)

SPD should assist their Austrian comrades


I know it would be a huge pain, but charts for the economy would be neat. 

Also, if its not already the case, a limit on the number of times you can cut welfare would make sense the same way there is with the military. 

Also also, if I defund the military until it literally has zero troops, then I refund it with my own people, would it not be loyal? Maybe add some way that I can recruit Prussian police into the military. 

I've been thinking if you form the EU before '31 (but didn't do any economic policy) would the increase in unemployment be as harsh as it is when you don't form the EU? Would the councils controlling the economy have an effect on the increase in unemployment?

It seems a bit unrealistic that a goverment that is either led by Zentrum or that Zentrum is a part of would pass a law relaxing abortion laws, seems even more unrealistic that Zentrum would get a bump in the polls from such a law. Why would conservatives/reactionaries see Zentrum unable or unwilling to stop a law loosening abortion laws and then decide to switch from the NSDAP to Zentrum?

(2 edits)

You pass it in the Reichstag as long as you get 50% of support in total, and Zentrum always gains from your voters by opposing your reform. It would increase their conservative vote share


The law can only pass if the SPD + DDP + KPD has a majority, and the SPD controls the chancellor. My reasoning about Zentrum getting a bump is that passing the abortion law will increase political polarization by religion; Zentrum is an explicitly Christian and Catholic party while the Nazis had an ambiguous relationship with Christianity, so I think Zentrum would be better placed to benefit from this polarization.

I think they would be better placed to benefit from this polarization, but not if they are in goverment in my view. 

Bug: I had economic_policy_timer at 14, I think I might have had it at a lot higher before, guessing advisors might be bugged.

This should be fixed now.

Is it just me or is there no image for 'party disunity' card for mobile?

It works for me!

Can someone tell me the requirements for the neorevisionist to fire? 

The nazis need 10% or more in the assembly

But is it theoretically possible to get the event to fire by 1929? I have tried multiple times, but it seems impossible.

Also, why is it that I do not get the event firing if I have an election in September 1930 and get the Weimar coalition, with the nazi at 12% support.

you need the Nazis to specifically have 10% of the Reichstag seats


I Love your game, Will you allow us to play as other partys or is it only going to be spd?


what's with THAT name


its the first thing i thought of. I only created an account for this game and i based my name off this game.


ngl you got a chuckle 


its not planned, but if they were to do that, Z and KPD would be a good starting point, maybe DDP and NSDAP after?


If there was an expansion i think it would be Z,  Kpd, nsdap, or dnvp. It would most likely be one of those

Bug report: When Hilferding is forced to resign, you lose the Foreign Affairs Ministry instead of the Finance Ministry.

(1 edit)

bug report: some events arent firing unless you return to the main screen. just had a playthrough tell me the july 1934 is the end of 1933:

and another one make it to may 1930 without black thursday:

(1 edit)

Are you starting from a pre-update save?

shit that might have been it

Suggestion: Maybe also normalize the unnormalized support for the parties among different groups? Right now you get less out of a group the more that you campaign in it (that may very well be intended). 


Yeah, that’s intended - the intention is that there’s a diminishing marginal utility to campaigning in groups that are already heavily targeted.


Suggestion: If you have formed the EU forming a customs union  with Austria should not hurt your relations with the west and maybe should not result in the collapse of the banking system. 


Additional suggestion: If you have formed the EU the West and East should be guaranteed to help you in the case of a civil war (not sure about this if it is the Prussia coup though).

(3 edits)

The achievement "European Union" is basically close to impossibility because you spam so many homosexuality cards in the early game that progress the game by one month when they have no realistic chances of passing alongside other cards due to randomization, and the party unity cards aren't very effective either.  The game has just become so much harder and more complex in the new update.

I improved relations with Westerners twice
I improved relations with Eastern Europeans twice
I did two steps toward forming the EU.

A total of 6 steps, still didn't work 

It worked with Rudolf as the advisor! 

(3 edits)

Even under a stabilized economy, forming a customs union with Austria always causes the banking system to collapse. Idk if it's a rebalance issue or a bug. The party unity card seems to have limited effects on preventing a centrist resign or a left-wing split scenario 

The banking crisis was caused by French financial sanctions and manipulation, so it might have happened even if the economy were doing better.

The Party Disunity card is more of a warning that something bad is happening with dissent rather than the most effective way of addressing that bad thing…

Bug: stabilizing the economy doesn't change the budget as intended.

This should be fixed now.


It's been 2 weeks...

Deleted 65 days ago

Sorry, I’ve been a bit busy/distracted lately… There will be an update this weekend, but after that I’ll probably have a feature freeze over August, as I work on my other games for IFcomp, as well as the steam release.

Oh, no worries, i just have noticed that updates are weekly, thats all, im sorry for making false pressure, the game is awesome!

(1 edit) (+1)

Okay, I think I suck at this game. I can never manage to get voter percent over 31% on easy 💀.

How the hell do you people get so much support?

(2 edits) (+6)(-3)

this genre of game (like crisis in the kremlin or ostaslgie) is all about finding out whats the best and its part of its gameplay lol, in general if you want high numbers do the WTB (labor economy) ASAP, hiring wyotinsiki if needed, keep doing the WTB reforms everytime you get the economy card. then spam wtb rally or radio. pfuff people's party is also useful at the costs of further angering the communists (they're bunch of useless kgb agents anyway)

i saw someone get a WTB plan before 1929


Bug report: DVP controls finance ministry if it’s vacant in the scenario of  a Weimar Coalition


bruning is at it again...

yeah i've gotten this same issue

There is a typo in Toni Sender's advisor description:

"Toni Sender is an organizer and writer who came from a bourgeois family, but was radicalized into socialism by her. She was a member of the anti-war USPD, but did not support armed revolution."

The first sentence cuts off before finishing.

(2 edits) (+5)

Suggestion: It wouldn't make much sense for the DNVP militants Der Stahlhlem to call for Hitler to be appointed chancellor during the right-wing militants march event when the DNVP has higher popularity and Der Stahlhlem has far more members than the SA when Hitler is deported. It would make much more sense that they demand Papen or someone else from the DNVP be appointed.

(1 edit)

I'm seeing some people getting majorities, even more then 60%(I assume on normal) But I can't get 40% on easy. How do you get a majority?

I was safe scumming

Ah, yes yes, of course. How do you do that?

Warning! It makes the game much less fun.

Make a safe, get a card, if it is not the card you like, go back to your previous save, press the advisor, press return back to main, get another card. If it is not the card you like, go back to your previous save, press the advisor, press return back to main, press the advisor again, press return back to main again the get another card. Repeat until you get the card you want. You can also save after pressing the advisor and going back to main several times, without getting the card, in order to prevent having the press the advisor many times again to change to the card you want. Remember that the sequence of the card that comes out is always the same if you repeat the process the same number of times.

Can also do the return card process. If you have political rally card and you cannot do it because of the SA, the process does not magically bypass the SA, but you can get another card or use another card to change the outcome. Also, there are cooldowns to cards.

I think I'll stick with luck

Good for you.


Can you make it so that the neo revisionist card would appear as soon as the nsdap gets high enough polling? From a realism perspective, people would notice that they are getting more popular with or without the election taking place, so the neo revisionist movement would still begin. From a game play perspective, it is not possible for those who play by getting the weimar coalition early in (me), and then try and constantly buy time, never having an early election to get the card. By the time the election happens, the nsdap would have lost so much support that the neo revisionist movement cannot happen. Or some other way the neo revisionist cards can appear for those that never have early elections.

(1 edit)

Sorry, I am a bit of an idiot, or just unlucky, because it is still possible to get the movement. You only need an election with them at more than 10% support, I think.

(2 edits)

My best on normal mode

I apologise for not mentioning, I was safe scumming.

Bug report: Enacting pro-labor policies in 1930 do not help with reducing WTB deficit if the WTB card is already in place 


Sorry, I don’t know why this is happening. Sent an appeal to Play Protect…

Its just that the file is new and unscanned, i made a unscanned file and got the same response, it's ok


The "Election Simulation" part of the game isnt updated to the new election format

(1 edit)

1. You should be able to implement the left plan without compensation/seize factories even when you have enough budget for it
2. Add "capital dissent"


My friend, I really wanna say; this is just a damn wonderful {and my type} of Game!

Now idk if this is made for education or ideological reasons or whatever, but I'd just like to pitch a few things from me:

This seems like a damn wonderful base to add more parties {hopefully excluding the Nazis cuz doing that in good taste seems hard to pull off}, or even countries and what not. Or at the very least this is a proof of a system cuz, at least to me, this is a damn good game - like seriously bravo!

I will have to note a small suggestion though, PLEASE make the Reichswehr a bigger tally. I once managed to get the Reichswehr to side with me in civil war, and they lost even with the Reichsbanner. Which I thought was a bit strange since, well. . .the Reichswehr was the guys with artillery, armored cars, etc. So please just a bit more tally to them?

Otherwise, full speed ahead sir!


If you like the current game, then I PROMISE you it can pull off including the Nazis in a way that doesn't offend your tastes.

(Google "NSDAP")

(2 edits) (+3)

i'm not knowledgeable enough about the detailed german history in this timeframe but german military were literally STRIPPED by the allies in addition to suffering heavy casualties during the great war, being flanked in two fronts, verdun, etc.

also many military guys actually sympathize a lot with the right wingers (DNVP and the rising Nazis), so maybe their paramilitary wings might also have access to those fancy military toys but yeah i agree, logically if you can have the formal military guys on your side it should be easier to win the war (not only you get their manpower, but the reichsbanner would also LOGICALLY benefits from close relstionship with the army, with them providing training, intelligence, access to fancy equipments, potentially weaking the right's connection to the army, etc).

And yes i also personally think at least decent relationship with the army should be crucial in deciding who wins the civil war, after all the army is not only about manpower but also connections andthe key to politicking with guns. For now imo it's silly as hell how much easier it is to militarize the reichsbanner into basically a maoist militia, lol.

Absolutely, I personally think an expansion focusing on the liberal parties (DDP and DVP) could be very interesting

(1 edit)

Bug report: The election graph doesn't display if you load an old save.


Old saves (prior to this version) won’t have the electoral history graph because the data wasn’t saved before.

I meant that they won't display in the current version. The graph is empty when you load an election result.  

If you save on the election results screen, then the graph won’t be regenerated after loading. You should still be able to see the result in the library if you exit and then reenter the Figures choice in the library.

(1 edit) (+1)

In terms of Foreign Ministry options it might be a good idea to break it down into east and west. 

The east should have the free city of Danzig as something we can incorporate as well as freedom of movement for people and goods from the Sudetenland. This should only be possible if Poland and Czechoslovakia aren't afraid of aggression and therefore Germany should be demilitarized (blocking the battleship + 2x defund Reichswehr + expose rearmament).

The West already has pretty good options with the renegotiation of obligations. Maybe if we help the left alliance win in the 1932 French elections we could form a "European Coal and Steel Community"? Maybe get FDR to join the League of Nations? Both of those are pretty late game, so idk if something better is possible. 

This rocks so damn hard


This seems consistently broken 


(1 edit) (+1)

I can’t seem to replicate this - what system/browser are you using? Have you tried exiting the library screen and re-entering it?

If that still doesn’t work, can you show the browser console output (right click -> Inspect element -> Console)?

Edit: If it’s an old save, then the graph would not show up because the electoral history data wasn’t being saved.

(1 edit) (+5)

Oh hell yes. The visualizations are a great addition thank you so much!

Per your comment I think a single decimal point is okay. The seat count breakdown is imo more important than getting the vote shares to exactly add up to 100%.


(1 edit)

My best run

 57% support, if you are wondering

Though, I should have let the nazi get stronger, hold an election, then get the neo revisionism card, since they would have further improve the polling.


Does anyone know how to get the option to give free tickets for the all silent in the western front movie. How much loyalty does the police need? How much police is needed. I am able to get 'mostly loyal' and  150 thousand police, but was still unable to choose the option.

Deleted 89 days ago

3x improve loyalty is enough

What number of police do we need? Also, what is the difference between purge the bureaucracy of reactionary element and bolster loyalty. Also, does the event where you get to purge to bureaucracy of reactionary element during the may day counts as one when you have done judiciary reforms? 

Never mind, 130 thousand and generally loyal is enough

(1 edit)

Question: How to form a "constitutional coalition"?

High not negative relations with Z + BVP when going into the 32' election 



Suggestion: Can there be an event a few months before a regularly scheduled election (an election that hasn't been called due to the player or a vote of no confidence). It could simply mention that the parties are gearing up for campaign season. It would be helpful to remind the player that an election is upcoming. It would also give these elections a bit more fanfare. Other elections get an event (vote of no confidence), a card (coalition affairs), or an advisor action, all of which make the election feel more important. An event reminding the player that their will be a regularly scheduled election in a few months would have a similar effect


maybe it's a known bug but it's very annoying,  if you open advisor card and decided to cancel it (return to hand), it's often (at least i noticed it more often than not) will be counted as "used" and the cooldown starts. often i had to restart runs because of this, it's annoying as hell 😔

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